Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

Along with Sapa, Mu Cang Chai is also a destination that attracts the attention of many visitors. It is also famous for its beautiful terraced rice fields.

So, you are planning a Vietnam holiday to visit Mu Cang Chai and don’t know when to go, how to get there or what to see there. Let’s have our Mu Cang Chai travel guide viewed for the details and plan your perfect hoiday in Mu Cang Chai.

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam:

Tu Le valley

Frist place to visit in Mu Cang Chai is Tu Le valley.

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

Tu Le Valley in Yen Bai Province’s Van Chan District is among the favourite destinations for tourists who enjoy natural beauty. During the autumn Tu Le becomes more beautiful as the rice fields turn yellow and the harvest atmosphere fills the town.

Fields and wooden houses decorate the mountainsides making Tu Le more picturesque.

Khau Pa Pass

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam ??? You can not miss Khau Pa Pass – one of four most imposing passes in the northwest of Vietnam.

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

To reach Mu Cang Chai, you must overpass Khau Pa pass. This pass is in the highest mountain in Mu Cang Chai area. From the city of Yen Bai, vice along Highway 32 about 5 hours, through communal Tu Le, Khau Pa pass Mu Cang Chai district out between a plateaus surrounded by mountains identical messages. The winding stretches of road passes between the old forests are bold and pristine slopes terraced fields of H’Mong, Thai.

And thanks to its height, the pass of Khau Pha has become a popular destination taking place with jumping paragliding sports – the game of special adventures.

La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha & Ze Xu Phinh communes- the best area of scenic landscapes in Mu Cang Chai.

La Pan Tan, together with Che Cu Nha & Ze Xu Phinh are three communes which have been recently recognized as the national heritage of great landscapes by the Ministry of Culture, Sport & Tourism thanks to their scenic landscapes of terraced rice fields.Moreover, those communes are the living places of local Black Hmong ethnics with their well-preserved rich cultures : their house styles, traditional dresses & their rice cultivation. Trekking will be a nice exploration of these communes, you will pass by numerous villages of Black Hmong getting to know their primitive lifestyles and have chances to expose yourselves to the most impressive terraced rice fields.

So, these three communes are famous places to visit in Mu Cang Chai for your journey.

Ba Nha Bridge

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

Ba Nha Bridge is 12km far from Mu Cang Chai town. This is the classical bridge and the uphill road for the stunning shots. The youth appreciates this place much because they can carry out various interesting photography ideas in this fascinating and flattering background.

Thai Village in Kim Noi commune.

Thai village is a part of Kim Noi commune, near Mu Cang Chai town.The village is popular with beautiful houses on stilts where local Thai ethnics live on.This is the main village offering homestay service & authentic meals with locals in Mu Cang Chai district.

The peaceful and pretty village is nestled in the middle of the poetic valley, leaning against the huge mountains. Here, you can capture the truly pictures of peace and tranquility.

Che Cu Nha village

Like Thai village, it is also one of the popuplar places to visit at Mu Cang Chai.

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

Che Cu Nha village, north vietnamThis is a remote village of Mu Cang Chai town. The road towards the village is quite uphill and challenging, but the view is marvelous. You feel that you’re getting lost in the picture of nature in which the simple houses are put randomly amongst the everlasting yellow backdrop. So, just hold your camera and shoot the amazing scenes!

Mo Waterfall

“Mơ” means dream which embodies the fairy beauty of the waterfall in Mu Cang Chai. The sightseeing routes toward Mo Waterfall take you to the dreaming waterfall world. From the bottom to the top of the waterfall, there stands the pristine and magnificent scenery to feast the eyes. You might stop by lots of flattering areas to film when climbing upwards.

Popular places to visit in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

And if you want to learn about this destination. Please refer our MU CANG CHAU ADVENTURE 3 days: 
